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“The Dark Side: Part Two”

Volume 3, Issue 2, December 2011
Released October 5, 2011

Cover Price: $2.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 47,520 Rating
  • Currently 3.0/5 Stars.

Stormwatch, Vol. 3, #2. Image © DC Comics



Writer: Paul Cornell
Penciller: Miguel Sepulveda
Inker: Al Barrionuevo
Colorist: Alex Sinclair
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Assistant Editor: Sean Mackiewicz
Editor: Pat McCallum

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Cover Description: Martian Manhunter, Apollo, and Midnighter are caught in the tentacles of the Scourge of Worlds. (No Booster Gold.) This cover is similar to the cover of 1960's Brave and the Bold #28, which introduced the Justice League of America.

Brief Synopsis: Booster Gold leads the Justice League against the Fox.

Issue Summary: Reveal Potential Spoilers

Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)

Costume Worn: MARK XIII power-suit

Issue Notes: This issue implies that Booster Gold is the leader of the Justice League International, indicating that the events of this issue take place after the conclusion to "The Signal-men" story beginning in Justice League International, Volume 3, #1.

This story has been reprinted in:
Stormwatch Volume 1: The Dark Side (2012)

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Page 10, panel 1
Booster Gold triumphantly leads the Justice League into the Secret Lair of the Fox to nab the perpetrator of the recent mystery on the moon! Booster is unaware that the evidence incriminating the Fox is a misdirection planted by the shadow organization Stormwatch.

Image Copyright DC Comics

Page 16, panel 3
The Fox is seen bound in rope on the floor of his lair surrounded by silhouetted figures including Batman. It is unclear who "the Fox" is. Is this a new villain in the DCnU?

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Boosterrific Review: While a lot of very confusing but exciting things happen in this second issue, it lacks some exposition and nothing is resolved. The style and events of this story at first seemed discongruous with the DCU of old, but now that the old Wildstorm Universe and DC Universe have been merged into the DCnU, it's natural for new paradigms to be formed. Readers fond of the old Wildstorm Universe will be very pleased with the issue, and DC Universe fans may find something worthwhile in the experience if they come in with an open mind.

Boosterrific Rating:

  • Currently 3.0/5 Stars.
Gold Standard.

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