New Teen Titans
Volume 2, Issue 29, March 1987
Released December 18, 1986
Cover Price: $1.50
Guide Price: $2.50 (as of 2003)

Writers: Paul Levitz, Marv Wolfman
Penciller: Eduardo Barreto
Inker: Romeo Tanghal
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Letterer: Augustin Mas
Editor: Marv Wolfman
Heroes: Batman, Booster Gold, Doctor Midnight, Green Lantern III, Katma Tui, Magenta, Skyman
Setting: New York, NY, USA, 20th-century
Cover Description: Flash lays prostrate at the feet of Brother Blood and his legion of minions, including Nightwing and Raven. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Brother Blood and his Brotherhood of Evil defeat the Titans with relative ease, causing a worried Magenta to call in help.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit
Issue Notes: This is Booster's first appearance in the DC Universe outside of his own title. It is also the first time that he has met any member of the Green Lantern Corps or Batman, whom he so often mentions.
This story has been reprinted in:
New Teen Titans Volume 12 (2020)
Tales of the Teen Titans (1988)
Page 29, panel 1
Fearful that the Titans may be dead and Brother Blood unopposed for world domination, Magenta uses the Titans' computer to summon aid. The computer contacts an unexpectedly eclectic crew consisting of Batman, Booster Gold, Doctor Midnight, John Stewart, Katma Tui, and Skyman. (Batman is mentor to Nightwing and Robin II, so his presence is expected. Skyman and Doctor Midnight are members of Infinity, Inc, a group closely tied to the Titans, as they are also a team of second-generation super heroes. Stewart and Katma Tui are presumably the only Green Lanterns near enough to respond. Perhaps Booster Gold is present, as Jason Redfern noted in Booster Gold, Vol. 1, #6, simply because he is uncommonly straightforward and more accessible to the public than most other DC Universe heroes.)
Booster is wearing a gold cape. His short haircut and gold star on his chest would tend to indicate that this story takes place after the events of Booster Gold, Vol. 1, #11, but since there is no time in Booster's title for these events to have taken place, they must have occurred after Booster's trip to the future in Booster Gold, Vol. 1, #15. Note that when Magenta asks if anyone is willing to sacrifice their lives to save the Titans, it is Booster who immediately responds in the affirmative.
Boosterrific Review: Tension and danger are palpable in this well-crafted tale of the fall of the Teen Titans. However, in a title that already has too many characters in play against a seemingly never-ending series of insurmountable world conquerors, is it really necessary to add more characters to "help" the situation? A minor quibble in an otherwise good issue.
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
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