Justice League: Generation Lost
“Scary Monsters”
Volume 1, Issue 16, Late February 2011
Released December 22, 2010
Cover Price: $2.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 31,048
Writer: Judd Winick
Penciller: Fernando Dagnino
Inker: Raul Fernandez
Colorist: Hi-Fi Designs
Letterer: Sal Cipriano
Editors: Brian Cunningham, Rex Ogle
Heroes: Aten, Aten, Blue Beetle III, Bogman, Booster Gold, Captain Atom, G.I. Robot, Medusa, Patchwork, Rocket Red 07, Velcoro, Wolfpack
Setting: Great Victoria Desert, Australia, 21st-century
Cover Description: There are two covers to this issue: the standard cover by Dustin Nguyen showcases the Creature Commandos, and the 1:10 variant cover by Kevin Maguire features a Fire pin-up. Neither cover includes Booster Gold.
Brief Synopsis: The Justice League International battles the Creature Commandos with potentially fatal consequences.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: Tie-in to Brightest Day.
This story has been reprinted in:
Justice League: Generation Lost Volume 2 (2011)
Page 2, panel 1
The Creature Commandos and the new Justice League International are in the midst of a melee at the Justice League Headquarters in the Great Australian Desert. Booster Gold enjoys the luxury of an impenetrable force field as he commands his teammates, Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, and Rocket Red, in battle. This fight is more dramatic than it probably needs to be: the Commandos are nowhere near as powerful as the Leaguers. Like most of the League's recent foes, the Creature Commandos (specifically Aten, Bogman, Medusa, Patchwork, Velcoro, Wolfpack, and a whold bunch of G.I. Robots) are good guys who appear to have been manipulated into fighting the League by Maxwell Lord. (Both Velcoro and Wolfpack were mentioned by Lord in Justice League: Generation Lost #7.)
Page 10, panel 1
POWER UP: Booster Gold directs his force field into the shape of an edged shield to ward off Bogman. Never before has Booster demonstrated the ability to selectively moderate his force field's shape. This use of Booster's force field appears similar to the of energy manipulation for which the Green Lantern Corps is famous. With few prior exceptions, Booster's force field has only ever been a bubble of variable size, either very close to his skin or...
Page 13, panel 3
Translated from her native Brazilian Portuguese, Fire says "I'm so cold but I never feel cold."
Page 15, panel 2
...spherical like a soap bubble. This panel is Booster's last appearance in this issue. Despite being present at the headquarters last issue, Skeets is not seen in this issue at all.
Boosterrific Review: Even with so little Booster Gold action, this is a comic book worth reading! The tension was palpable; the character interaction, thrilling; and the action, nonstop. I was completely unprepared for the ending, and found myself rereading the book as soon as I completed it. Let old acquaintance be forgot: I look forward to reading this series in the new year.
Boosterrific Rating: Boosterrific!
Average Fan Rating: (4 votes)
A solid issue that really builds up the tension with the Creature Commandos overwhelming the team and Fire dying. The end comes like a gut punch you don't see coming.
Great issue with epic battles and plot twists. The series needed something like this and I am wondering where it is headed as it reaches its end.
The story is fun. The action is exciting. I look forward to each issue.
Proof of Judd Winick's talents as a writer: Even with that spoiler of the March 2011 issue, I am absolutely riveted by the story he's crafting, particularly the reason why he took Beetle and why he seems bent on destroying a group he said he was putting together. This issue is a nice year-ender for me.
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