Justice League Unlimited
“The One Man Justice League”
Volume 1, Issue 31, May 2007
Released March 7, 2007
Cover Price: $2.25
Guide Price: $2.25 (as of 2007)
Estimated Issue Sales: 9,071

Writer: Adam Beechen
Penciller: Dave Santana
Inker: Dave Santana
Colorist: Heroic Age
Letterer: Mike Sellers
Editor: Rachel Gluckstern
Cover Description: Kneeling in ruins, Superman clasps the melted remains of Metamorpho as Batman, Flash, and Wonder Woman look on. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Metamorpho learns the value of teamwork.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: Justice League Unlimited
Issue Notes: This series is based on the events and characters depicted in Cartoon Network's Justice League Unlimited television series. Though these characters and events are similar to their comic book counterparts in the Justice League, there are varied and noticeable differences.
Page 4, panel 2
Booster Gold and Skeets can be seen in attendance at the Justice League meeting on the satellite Watchtower. Other Leagers in attendance are Aquaman, Atom Smasher, Aztek, Black Canary, Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Crimson Fox, Demon, Dr. Fate, Dr. Light, Firestorm, Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Huntress, Ice, Martian Manhunter, Mr. Terrific, Question, Ray, Shining Knight, Steel, S.T.R.I.P.E., Supergirl, Vibe, Vigilante, Vixen, and Wildcat.
Page 5, panel 1
Booster is walking down a corridor when Atom approaches Metamorpho.
Page 9, panel 2
In flashback, Booster is seen with Dr. Light, Green Lantern, Steel, and Skeets when Metamorpho single-handedly defeats the villain Solar Flare (who Booster took down in Justice League Unlimited #25). In this panel, Solar Flare looks a lot like Brimstone (who appeared in the Justice League Unlimited television episode "Initiation").
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