Justice League Unlimited
“The Ghosts of Atlantis”
Volume 1, Issue 26, December 2006
Released October 4, 2006
Cover Price: $2.25
Guide Price: $2.25 (as of 2007)
Estimated Issue Sales: 9,691

Writer: Bill Williams
Penciller: Carlo Barberi
Inker: Zach Howard
Colorist: Heroic Age
Letterer: Mike Sellers
Editor: Michael Wright
Cover Artist: Ty Templeton
Cover Description: Underwater, a giant Black Manta reaches out for unconscious Justice Leaguers Aquaman, Booster Gold, Dr. Fate, and Superman.
Brief Synopsis: The Justice League aids Aquaman in defending Atlantis.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: Justice League Unlimited
Issue Notes: This series is based on the events and characters depicted in Cartoon Network's Justice League Unlimited television series. Though these characters and events are similar to their comic book counterparts in the Justice League, there are varied and noticeable differences.
This story has been reprinted in:
Justice League Unlimited: Heroes (2009)
Page 2, panel 1
Booster Gold is on monitor duty with Superman in the Justice League satellite Watchtower as the Justice League confronts a global crisis of "mystic disturbances." Booster watches Captain Atom, Ice, Wonder Woman, and Zatanna on the monitor as Superman contacts Dr. Fate in a magic mirror. The road Booster mentions, I-5, is the United States interstate highway running north/south along the American West Coast (passing through California, Oregon, and Washington states).
Page 4, panel 4
Aquaman asks Superman if he brought Booster Gold with him to Atlantis. It is unclear what Aquaman is implying: is he unhappy that Booster has arrived, is he questioning Booster's abilities, does he think that Booster might be the person who ambushed him? It's hard to tell from the dialogue.
Page 7, panel 3
Aquaman isn't the only one dismissive of Booster Gold. Dr. Fate is awfully snappish himself. Isn't it enough for Superman to vouch for someone anymore?
Page 7, panel 5
The "deep-sea communicators" were last seen in issue #11, when the Justice League last paid a visit to Atlantis. Why Superman would ask to borrow one from Booster when Superman needs one and Booster doesn't (thank sot his 25th century technology) isn't clear.
Page 8, panel 1
As Booster mentions, the Purple Ray of healing is typically thought to be an Amazonian invention. (It has been featured in Wonder Woman stories for decades.) Dr. Fate claims otherwise.
Page 8, panel 2
Booster is using his force field to do double duty. It not only protects him from the external crushing pressure of the undersea depths, it also traps a bubble of oxygen so that he can breathe underwater.
Page 12, panel 3
Booster Gold saves Superman. This must be why Superman keeps Booster around despite the presence of powerhouse Leaguers Aquaman and Dr. Fate.
Page 13, panel 3
Booster can be backhanded quite a distance on land. He was thrown miles by Doomsday.
Page 14, panel 1
Booster confronts Black Manta and Felix Faust. Manta has long been one of Aquaman's arch-enemies, and Faust has challenged the entire Justice League for years.
Page 19, panel 1
In this panel, Booster references both Martian Manhunter and Batman, neither of whom appears in this story.
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