Justice League Task Force
Volume 1, Issue 37, August 1996
Released June 26, 1996
Cover Price: $1.75
Guide Price: $4.00 (as of 2017)

Writer: Christopher Priest
Penciller: Ramon Bernado
Inkers: Dan Davis, Nick J. Napolitano
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Letterer: Kevin Cunningham
Assistant Editor: Alisande Morales
Editor: Ruben Diaz
Heroes: Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Glenn Gammeron, Gypsy, Martian Manhunter, Maxima, Ray II, Triumph, Wonder Woman
Villains: Bronze Tiger, Vandal Savage
Supporting: L-Ron, Skeets I
Setting: Middleton, CO, USA, 20th-century
Cover Description: Martian Manhunter hangs motionless while several Justice League Task Force uniform jackets hang in the air. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Internal conflicts within the Justice League Task Force come to a head around the Christmas holiday.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Supporting (Booster Gold plays a lesser role)
Costume Worn: MARK X armored power-suit
Issue Notes: This is the final issue of this series, canceled to allow for a relaunch of the Justice League franchise by writer Grant Morrison in the series JLA.
Page 2, panel 5
Members of the three Justice Leagues (led by Captain Atom, Martian Manhunter, and Wonder Woman) gather in the Martian Manhunter's remote cabin for a Christmas party. Leaguers shown attending the gathering are Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold (with built-in Skeets), Bronze Tiger, Captain Atom, Glenn Gammeron, Gypsy, Martian Manhunter, Maxima, Ray II, and Wonder Woman.
Page 4, panel 7
Triumph arrives at the party playing the role of Santa Claus. Booster Gold and Blue Beetle go through his bag inspecting all the wrapped gifts. Booster is particularly interested in the largest package.
Page 9, panel 2
After Triumph's bad blood with Martian Manhunter results in a fight with Captain Atom, Booster joins the ensuing melee by attacking Bronze Tiger. Why all of the assembled Leaguers decided to brawl one another following Triumph's assault is a mystery. It is exactly this sort of violent behavior that gives costumed super-groups such a bad reputation.
Page 12, panel 3
Vandal Savage arrives at the party following Triumph's exit. Savage explains that Triumph's future actions will "change the course of our destiny forever." This is the second time that Savage, an immortal who has long been at odds with the Justice League, has arrived before Booster Gold in the role of a messenger.
Page 20, panel 1
Page 21, panel 1
L-Ron (still in the body of Despero) arrives at the party playing the role of Santa Claus exactly as Triumph did before Triumph changed the timeline. Though it is not shown, it can be assumed that Booster Gold and Blue Beetle go through his bag inspecting all the wrapped gifts. No doubt, Booster is still particularly interested in the largest package.
Boosterrific Review: Part Christmas special, part delayed Underworld Unleashed tie-in, part series finale. Congratulations are due to writer Christopher Priest who leaves readers feeling anguished, confused, and outcast, just like Triumph, effectively entangling the reader viscerally in the events within.
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
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