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Justice League America


Volume 1, Issue 58, January 1992
Released November 19, 1991

Cover Price: $1.00
Guide Price: $2.00 (as of 2011) Rating
  • Currently 5.0/5 Stars.

Justice League America, Vol. 1, #58. Image © DC Comics



Writers: J. M. DeMatteis, Keith Giffen
Penciller: Bart Sears
Inkers: John Beatty, Randy Elliott
Colorist: Gene D'Angelo
Letterer: Bob Lappan
Assistant Editor: Kevin Dooley
Editor: Andrew Helfer

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Cover Description: Lobo's and Despero's heads hover over prone members of the Justice League. Leaguers pictured are, from left to right, Elongated Man, Martian Manhunter, Guy Gardner, Fire, Blue Beetle, Flash, Rocket Red #4, and Metamorpho. (No Booster Gold.)

Brief Synopsis: Lobo joins the fight against Despero and the Extremists attack the Justice League Cave.

Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)

Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit

Issue Notes: "Breakdowns: Part 11": This is the eleventh issue of a multi-part story crossing through Justice League America and Justice League Europe dealing with changes in the League following the loss of Lord's guidance.

This story has been reprinted in:
Justice League International Omnibus (2024)

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Page 8, panel 1
After vowing to get involved in the chaos last issue, a boastful Booster Gold arrives just in time to save Guy Gardner from Lobo. This is the second time that Booster has used his force field to break up a fight between these two hot-heads (previously in Justice League America #19). Unlike the last time, Lobo simply chooses to continue fighting, merely changing focus to Booster.

Page 14, panel 6
Realizing that events are out of control, Booster leaves the fight to get help.

Image Copyright DC Comics

Page 18, panel 3
Booster returns in the nick of time to save a second Justice Leaguer, this time Martian Manhunter from Despero. Joining Booster is Flash III and the assembled Conglomerate, Echo, Gypsy, Maxi-Man, Praxis, Reverb, and Vapor. Booster is the only member of the Conglomerate not wearing the official jacket. In fact, Booster hasn't been seen in the jacket since Justice League Quarterly #1.

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Boosterrific Review: Bart Sears' illustration of an epic, multi-front battle between the Justice League International, Lobo, the Extremists, and Despero is a refreshingly fast-paced action bonanza. While this issue does not significantly advance the overall plot of the "Breakdowns" storyline in this issue, who cares?

Boosterrific Rating:

  • Currently 5.0/5 Stars.

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