Injustice 2
“Hostile Takeover”
Volume 1, Issue 5, Early September 2017
Released July 5, 2017
Cover Price: $2.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 13,960

Writer: Tom Taylor
Penciller: Bruno Redondo
Inker: Vicente Cifuentes
Colorist: Rex Lokus
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Assistant Editor: Rob Levin
Editor: Jim Chadwick
Cover Description: Blue Beetle is attacked by Deadshot. (No Booster Gold.)
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Supporting (Booster Gold plays a lesser role)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: This book was originally released online at Comixology.com in two installments (#9-10) for 99ยข each. This print edition has a cover price of $2.99. For the additional $1.01, the purchase of the print copy also receives the DC Comics All Access page and 11 pages of ads.
This story has been reprinted in:
Injustice 2 Volume 1 (2017)
Page 3, panel 1
ALTERNATE REALITY: Skeets is seen accompanying former Blue Beetle Ted Kord and current Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes. These events of this issue take place after the conclusion of the Injustice video game but prior to the events of its sequel, Injustice 2.
Page 5, panel 4
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle appear together in a portrait in Ted Kord's office. Their playful pose recalls their misadventures in the Justice League International comics of the 1980s...
Page 6, panel 1
...a lighter, more humorous time for everyone but Batman. (He didn't smile then, either.)
Page 7, panel 1
Booster Gold arrives from the future (by way of his own portrait) to say good-bye to his old friend. This is the first appearance of Booster in the Injustice Universe.
Page 8, panel 3
SOLIDIFIED TIME: Booster indicates that he "can't change the past," though he tried anyway. That's friendship.
Page 8, panel 4
Booster also says he "got put away" for trying to change history. This implies that the Injustice Universe has time police similar to those seen in Booster Gold volume 2, #41.
Page 20, panel 8
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