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Media: music

"Why should I let myself be used for the profits of others?"
—Booster Gold, Booster Gold #16, 1987

The chronological adventures of Booster Gold have been depicted exclusively in comic book form, however the character has escaped the 4-color pages of comic books to appear in a variety of other media. Surely this would make Booster quite proud.


Spoiler Alert! (2010)

Image Copyright DC ComicsSpoiler Alert! is a digital music album released in August 2010 featuring three tracks: "Batman," "Blue Beetle," and "Booster Gold." The songs were written and performed by Dyan Valdes, Keith TOTP and Eddie Argos. The album is available for download from

The Music of DC Comics (2010)

Image Copyright DC ComicsBooster Gold is not referenced on any of the 31 tracks of The Music of DC Comics: 75th Anniversary Collection, primarily because the character has never had his own television show theme song (yet). However, Booster is seen among the 79 DC comic book characters pictured on the interior back tray card art. The Music of DC Comics: 75th Anniversary Collection was released by Water Tower Music (a branch of DC Comics' parent company, Warner Brothers).

You Dare Call That Thing Human?! (2012)

Image Copyright DC Comics"Nerdcore" rapper Adam WarRock included an entire song dedicated to Booster Gold on his latest album, You Dare Call That Thing Human?!. The song, appropriately titled "Booster Gold," features supporting vocals by Mikal kHill. The album is available for digital download at beginning on February 13, 2012.

Tales From 2814! (2018)

Image Copyright DC ComicsThe Corps are a Canadian punk band whose album, Tales From 2814, pays affectionate homage to DC Comics. Tracks include "Booster Gold", "Supergirl", and "Identity Crisis." The songs were performed by Dan Garrison, Dan Stenning, Andrew Pederson, and Ronnie Ellis. The album, which contains explicit lyrics, is available via Spotify.

Music From My Bedroom Walls (2018)

Image Copyright DC ComicsMusic From My Bedroom Walls by Jacob Pence is an AcousTic Media Productions album. The song "The Ballad of Booster Gold" is available via

Rock'n'Roll Justice (2023)

Image Copyright DC ComicsIn addition to an overt reference to Booster Gold's costume on the cover art, artist Namoratron explicitly mentions Booster repeatedly in the chorus of the song "The Kind of World We're Living In" on the EP Rock'n'Roll Justice. The album is available on many streaming services and the song can be heard on



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SPOILER WARNING: The content at may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.