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Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2 matching: chris sims

Monday, January 12, 2015

Chris Sims on the Legacy of the JLI

On Friday, Chris Sims defended the legacy of the Justice League International.

Everyone always thinks of it as the funny Justice League book. That's how it's always referred to, with the emphasis on the bwa-ha-has, the "One punch!" scenes, and Beetle and Booster's wacky schemes, but that's not really accurate. All that stuff is in there, sure.
The point is, while
JLI was a book with a lot of very funny, very memorable parts, comedy was never really the main focus of the series. Or at least, it wasn't the focus at the expense of anything else. See, the thing that marked JLI more than being a funny book was that it was a balanced one.

Of course he's right. If you've never read the original Justice League International comics, come for the Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, stay for the action, adventure, and drama. You'll be glad you did.

You can read the rest of Sims' "Ask Chris" article at

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New Release: Futures End #1

Did you like Booster's appearance in Futures End #0?

© DC Comics

Let's play point/counter-point!

Chris Sims of

"The setup for Future's End [sic], the violent death of all your favorite superheroes, is the same thing that [DC Comics] used for DC Universe Online, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Flashpoint and Earth-2, and that's just the stuff from the last few years that springs to mind. As a company, they seem obsessed with violently murdering their roster of characters in the most gruesome way possible, over and over agian. At this point, it's their trademark."

Russ Burlingame of

"It feels like they've created a ton of stuff from scratch here, and while it has the potential to be a trainwreck trying to connect the dots between the DC Universe we know and the one we saw in today's issue, I find it difficult not to have confidence in the steady hands of writers Brian Azzarello, Jeff Lemire, Keith Giffen and the aforementioned Dan Jurgens given the huge promise shown here and their combined track record."

Heh. One of them has to be right, right?

If, like Russ, you are excited to read more about far-future Batman's adventures in the near future, Future's End #1 hits shelves today. If, like Chris, you found the experience familiar and nauseating, you can wait another four months for Booster Gold's next announced appearance.

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