Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime
“Into the Sun”
Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2007
Released October 24, 2007
Cover Price: $3.99
Guide Price: $4.00 (as of 2011)
Estimated Issue Sales: 59,568
Writer: Geoff Johns
Penciller: Pete Woods
Inker: Jerry Ordway
Colorist: Brad Anderson
Letterer: John J. Hill
Assistant Editor: Adam Schlagman
Editor: Eddie Berganza
Heroes: Aquaman II, Batman, Beast Boy, Black Canary II, Black Condor III, Black Lightning, Booster Gold, Bumblebee, Citizen Steel, Cyborg, Cyclone, Damage, Doctor Light IV, Doctor Mid-Nite II, Doll Man II, Elasti-Girl, Fire, Firebrand IV, Firehawk I, Firestorm VI, Flash III, Geo-Force, Gold, Grace II, Green Lantern I, Halo, Hawkgirl II, Hawkman I, Hourman II, Human Bomb II, Ice, Iron, Katana, Kid Devil, Lady Quark, Lead, Liberty Belle II, Martian Manhunter, Mento, Mercury, Metamorpho, Miss Martian, Mister Terrific II, Negative Man, Phantom Lady III, Platinum, Ravager V, Raven VI, Ray II, Red Arrow, Red Bee, Red Star, Red Tornado, Robin III, Robotman II, Sandy, Shining Knight II, Starfire III, Stargirl, Starman VIII, STRIPE, Thunder III, Tin, Uncle Sam, Vixen, Vox, Wildcat I, Wildcat IV, Wonder Girl II, Wonder Woman, Zauriel
Villain: Superman-Prime
Supporting: Skeets II
Settings: Keystone City, DCU, USA, 21st-century; St. Louis, MO, USA, 21st-century
Cover Description: Superman-Prime tears open his costume to reveal the stylized "s" scarred onto his chest. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Most of the active heroes of Earth struggle in battle against Superman-Prime.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: This one-issue special is part of the larger "Tales of the Sinestro Corps" storyline. Though the events of this issue apparently occur between the events of Booster Gold, Vol. 2, issues #3 and #4, Booster's role as time policeman means that his personal chronology and the chronology of events-at-large within the DC Universe are not necessarily synchronized.
Page 4, panel 1
Booster Gold and Skeets II join nearly 70 heroes assembled in Keystone City to combat a single foe: Superman-Prime. The assembled heroes are Cyborg, Dr. Light IV, Fire, Firehawk, Firestorm V, Halo, Ice, Lady Quark, Nightwing II, Raven VI, Ray II, Red Star, S.T.R.I.P.E., Shining Knight II, Starfire, Thunder III, Zauriel, and the teams Batman and the Outsiders (Grace II, Katana, Martian Manhunter, Metamorpho), the Doom Patrol (Beast Boy, Bumblebee, Elasti-Girl, Steve Drayton [as Mento], Negative Man, Robotman II, Vox), the Freedom Fighters (Black Condor III, Doll Man II, Firebrand IV, Human Bomb II, Phantom Lady III, Red Bee, Uncle Sam), the Justice League of America (Black Canary II, Black Lightning, Flash III, Geo-Force, Hawkgirl II, Red Tornado, Vixen, Wonder Woman), the Justice Society of America (Green Lantern I, Citizen Steel, Cyclone, Damage, Dr. Mid-Nite II, Flash I, Hawkman, Hourman II, Liberty Belle II, Mr. Terrific, Sandman II, Stargirl, Wildcat I, Wildcat IV), the Metal Men (Gold, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Platinum), and the Teen Titans (Kid Devil, Miss Martian, Ravager V, Robin III, Wonder Girl II). Other heroes present off panel include Aquaman II, Red Arrow, and Starman VIII. This is Booster's first meeting with well over a dozen of these heroes.
Page 9, panel 2
As Superman-Prime draws the battle east across America towards the rising sun, Booster is among the heroes trying to save the gigantic Elasti-Girl, frozen by Superman-Prime's freezing breath, from crashing to Earth besides the St. Louis Arch (which has been turned to kryptonite by Firestorm). This is Booster's last appearance in this issue.
Boosterrific Review: A well-crafted slugfest is ruined by the telegraphed inevitability of the outcome of the story (it took two Supermen and a planet-sized Green Lantern to beat Superboy-Prime last time), the gnawing sensation that this issue is little more than a cash grab by a company determined to squeeze extra mileage out of a mini-series (as indicated by the fact that this issue has no ending), and, ultimately, the complete lack of any interesting attributes in the title character (a whiney, immature teenager whose tempter tantrums cost lives). A reader certainly gets the impression that Johns et al mean well and are invested in telling a good story, but this issue fails to feel like anything more than a sideshow to the main event.
Boosterrific Rating: Gold Standard.
Average Fan Rating: (1 vote)
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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