Justice League Quarterly
“Time and Chance!”
Volume 1, Issue 10, Spring 1993
Released January 12, 1993
Cover Price: $3.50

Writer: Mark Waid
Penciller: Rod Whigham
Inker: Jose Marzan, Jr.
Colorist: Gene D'Angelo
Letterer: Bob Pinaha
Assistant Editor: Ruben Diaz
Editor: Brian Augustyn
Cover Artists: D. Rodriguez, Mike Sellers
Hero: Booster Carter
Supporting: Michelle Carter, Mrs. Carter, Snake Eyes
Setting: Gotham City, DCU, USA, 25th-century
Cover Description: Booster Gold poses with energy crackling around his fists. Repeated endlessly in the background is the word "execute."
Brief Synopsis: Booster Carter is arrested and disowned for his gambling.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit
Page 1, panel 2
HIS STORY: While on monitor duty at the Justice League Headquarters, Booster Gold has a flashback to his arrest on gambling charges in the year 2462. Visible are his mother and twin sister, Michelle. While this instance is clearly a nightmarish memory for Booster Gold, it does add to his origin story if only to illustrate that the arresting officers did indeed inform him of his rights. (Some things won't change in the next 500 years.)
Boosterrific Review: For the second consecutive issue in this series, Booster Gold appears in half of the stories in this anthology issue. Booster is the motivator in "Time and Chance," the issue's lead story. While Mark Waid's script is primarily concerned with building on the gambling angle of Booster's back-story, it is clumsy in execution with particularly weak characterization and art. If "Time and Chance" is an ungainly disappointment, "When Titans Date" is a sublime character piece played for humor. Booster and friends spy on the love life of teammate Blue Beetle, and knee-slapping hilarity ensues. This issue is definitely a mixed bag.
Boosterrific Rating: Gold Standard.
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