All-Star Western
“Gold Standard”
Volume 3, Issue 20, July 2013
Released May 22, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
Guide Price: $3.99 (as of 2013)
Estimated Issue Sales: 16,184

Writers: Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti
Penciller: Moritat
Inker: Moritat
Colorist: Mike Atiyeh
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Assistant Editor: Anthony Marques
Editors: Eddie Berganza, Mike Cotton
Cover Artist: Howard Porter
Heroes: Booster Gold, Jonah Hex
Villains: Clem Hootkins, Cyclops, Romeo
Supporting: Damita
Setting: Red River Junction, DCU, USA, 19th-century
Cover Description: Jonah Hex and Booster Gold crouch under the gun of Romeo and Damita.
Brief Synopsis: Booster Gold and Jonah Hex continue the search for the gold stolen from Red River Junction by the Clem Hootkins Gang.
Issue Summary: Reveal Potential Spoilers
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK XIII power-suit
Page 1, panel 3
Chango (or Shango) is the Orisha of "thunder, drums, and dance" in the Yoruba religion originating in central Africa. Yoruba beliefs have spread widely throughout the Caribbean, where worship of the Orisha Chango was adopted in the religion Santeria. Practice of Santeria has traditionally involved animal sacrifice and blood rituals.
Page 4, panel 1
FASHION ALERT: Jonah Hex asks Booster Gold the question we've been wondering for years. "That shiny thing yer wearing ain't got no buttons or hooks? How do you take a ...?" Booster doesn't answer.
Page 4, panel 2
POWER DOWN: Booster admits that he is suffering from partial amnesia, admitting, "there's a star on my chest, so for all I know, I'm a sheriff in the future."
Page 5, panel 1
John Wayne is perhaps the most famous actor in Western genre films, but his movies, while undeniably violent, are generally free of blood and gore. In an interview with Russ Burlingame at ComicBook.com, issue co-writer Justin Gray described events in All-Star Western #19 as inspired by the 1969 movie The Wild Bunch, notable for its depictions of extreme violence in the name of "realism." John Wayne said of The Wild Bunch that "[i]t would have been a good picture without the gore. Pictures go too far when they use that kind of realism, when they have shots of blood spurting out and teeth flying, and when they throw liver out to make it look like people's insides." Gray is no doubt aware of this philosophical contrast to his storytelling and is referencing it here through Booster's dialogue.
Page 7, panel 3
Doctor Amadeus Arkham is the founder of the Arkham Asylum for the criminally insane in Gotham City. He was also an adventuring partner of Jonah Hex in the first 19 issues of All-Star Western.
Page 12, panel 3
POWER UP: According to Booster Gold, his powersuit goggles can see heat signatures and "all kinds of things" through walls. For the first time, he also indicates that his suit has amplified hearing devices in the cowl.
Page 14, panel 5
POWER UP: Booster lifts a wooden chest filled with sacks of gold coins. Roughly estimating that the chest appears to be about 36-inches wide by 20-inches deep by 16-inches high by 1-inch thick, if it was filled with gold, it could weigh up to 7,000 pounds (3,150 kilograms)! That's some super strength on display, Booster!
Page 16, panel 1
POWER UP: Booster may not have much memory, but his force field is still working perfectly. In previous powersuits (including his original), Booster had to manually activate his force field. Perhaps now it has an automatic fail safe.
Boosterrific Review: First things first: I love Moritat's art in this issue. The issue looks and feels like an American Western. My complaint about the issue is that after being demons on earth in the last issue, the Clem Hootkins Gang proves to be a MacGuffin in this story. Otherwise, a very fun read.
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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