“Looking Back at Tomorrow”
Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2006
Released May 17, 2006
Cover Price: $2.50
Estimated Issue Sales: 130,656

Writers: Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid
Pencillers: Joe Bennett, Keith Giffen
Inker: Jack Jadson
Colorist: Alex Sinclair
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Assistant Editors: Jann Jones, Harvey Richards
Editor: Stephen Wacker
Cover Artists: J.G. Jones, Alex Sinclair
Hero: Booster Gold
Villain: Mister Mind
Supporting: Doc Magnus, Jimmy Olsen, Skeets II
Setting: Metropolis, DCU, USA, 21st-century
Cover Description: With a beautiful girl on each arm, Booster Gold is surrounded by the media and cameras as Skeets I (erroneously appearing in place of Skeets II) and Clark Kent look on. Booster wears a racing jacket covered with sponsors and holds aloft a promotional bottle of soda.
Brief Synopsis: The heroes of the DC Universe face a new series of unexpected mysteries.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: Booster's concern mounts as Skeet's malfunctions grow more severe.
This story has been reprinted in:
52 Omnibus (2012)
52 Volume 1 (2007)

Page 2, panel 2
PRODUCT PLACEMENT: The groundskeeper at the cemetery where Sue Dibny has been buried is wearing a Booster Gear jacket and an OPrK t-shirt, both apparel products endorsed by Booster Gold.
Page 4, panel 2
"Week 2, Day 1." Booster Gold has brought Skeets II to Will Magnus, "the 21st century's foremost authority on android A.I.," in order to investigate and hopefully repair the malfunction Skeets experienced two days prior in the previous issue. Magnus describes Skeets as a "self-repairing valet module." Skeets was previously identified as a "BX9 Security 'Bot," though that was before his recent rebirth following Booster's latest trip back to the future in Infinite Crisis. Booster holds the inert head of Platinum, the female member of Magnus' famed Metal Men, while an also inert Iron lies nearby.
Page 4, panel 4
PRODUCT PLACEMENT: It would seem that Booster spent the intervening time since his last appearance signing new sponsors. His uniform now features an advertisement for the unknown companies Star Burger (difficult to make out until future issues) and OPrK (which is presumably a clothing brand similar to DKNY). Added to the back of his costume since his last appearance are the slogans "Super Size Mi" and "Just Made It," word plays on slogans used by McDonalds restaurants and Nike shoes.
Page 12, panel 2
MEET THE PRESS: "Week 2, Day 4." Booster Gold departs from an apparent interview with Jimmy Olsen and others on the roof of the Daily Planet Building in order to intercept a damaged airliner, Ferris Air Flight 2824. Skeets announces that "this looks like a job for Booster Gold," his second reference to familiar Superman slogans in as many issues.
Page 12, panel 2
POWER UP: Skeets refers to Booster's "Force-Dampers," a previously unmentioned aspect of Booster's powers, presumably related to his force field.
Page 13, panel 4
POWER UP: Skeets utilizes a previously unrevealed appendage to open the falling plane's landing gear. This is the first time that any version of Skeets has demonstrated a functional appendage of any sort.
Page 14, panel 5
BOOSTERRIFIC! COUNT: 8. This is the first time that Booster's personal catchphrase has been uttered on-panel by anyone since Millennium #7 in 1988. If Booster wasn't so irritated by the near bungling of the rescue of Flight 2824, he would probably be very pleased that it was suggested by a member of the press as a headline.
Boosterrific Review: The rebirth of Booster Gold continues. (Worth purchasing for the cover alone.) Another great read that manages to continue to establish the soap opera style of the series while simultaneously being able to stand alone. Well done by everyone involved.
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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