It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Monday, December 12, 2022
Webtoons Are Comics Too
Hungry? Eat up!
Flakies, Booster Bits, Sugar Packed Boosteros, Booster Puffs, Booster Cereal, and now Golden Flakes?! Pretty soon Booster is going to need to invest in a dairy just to provide milk to everyone eating one of his breakfast cereals.
That panel (first brought to our attention by Booster booster Dallas) comes from the online comic Red Hood: Outlaws episode 19, "A Handy Dandy Mirror."
Red Hood: Outlaws is written by Patrick R. Young and drawn by Nico Bascunan. But the image on that cereal box is by Dan Jurgens, Joe Rubinstein, and Tom McCraw as originally published in Who's Who in the DC Universe #2 (1990).
I still haven't committed to adding digital-only comics to the Boosterrific database — because I'm a grumpy old man, and pixels aren't real! — but I have added Booster Gold Golden Flakes to the Boosterrific list of Booster's businesses and endorsements.
Thanks to everyone who pointed out this appearance. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm suddenly in the mood for a bowl of corn flakes.
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Wednesday, June 5, 2019
For Your Consideration
Westfield Comics has posted an article detailing the origins of Booster Gold Volume 1 in advance of the reprinting of those issues for the upcoming Booster Gold: The Big Fall hardcover.
The article was written by Robert Greenberger, a former DC editor who worked on the Who's Who series. Greenberger spoke with Booster's creator, Dan Jurgens, for a first-person take on the occasion. Most of what was said will be familiar to long-time Booster boosters (much of it is corroborated by what Jurgens had previously told me in my Secret Origin interview) but it's always interesting to hear Jurgens speak of the old days at DC.
Writes Greenberger:
Jurgens pitched the idea to Giordano and was surprised at how quickly the series was picked up. "At the time, DC was a remarkably fun place to work," Jurgens recounted. "They were very, very open to new ideas and concepts. The company was committed to trying new things.
"I was at a convention in Dallas that Dick Giordano and Pat Bastienne were also attending. Dick was always highly encouraging and always said if I had anything in terms of a project idea, to bring it to him.
"We had breakfast before the Con started and I pitched him the basic concept of Booster—where he came from, what motivated him and what would make him different. At that point, I didn't even have the pitch written out. I believe I had a preliminary sketch.
Booster Gold being born in Dallas makes perfect sense. There are few times/places more associated with American capitalism than Dallas, Texas in the mid-80s. (Booster Gold versus J.R. Ewing!)
Speaking of villains, Jurgens also admits to a lingering affinity for Dirk Davis. Maybe one day Booster's selfish agent will get a shot at redemption. Until then, you can relive his glory days in Booster Gold: The Big Fall when it is released this September.
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