Justice League Infinity
“The Crack'd Mirror, Part One”
Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2021
Released July 6, 2021
Cover Price: $3.99

Writers: J. M. DeMatteis, James Tucker
Artist: Ethan Beavers
Colorist: Nick Filardi
Letterer: Nick J. Napolitano
Editor: Andrew Marino
Cover Description: The core members of the Justice League Unlimited pose. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Booster Gold attends a surprise birthday party for The Flash that is crashed by Granny Goodness.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Supporting (Booster Gold plays a lesser role)
Costume Worn: Justice League Unlimited
Issue Notes: This first issue of a planned 7-issue mini-series revives the cartoon-inspired Justice League Unlimited continuity that last saw new chapters in 2008. The book was released in "digital first" chapters beginning May 13, 2021, before being collected into physical form on July 6, 2021.
Page 7, panel 1
Booster Gold is one of many heroes attending a surprise birthday party for the Flash in the Metro Tower headquarters of the Justice League. Also present are Atom, Batman, Big Barda, Blue Beetle, Elongated Man, Fire, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Ice, Mister Miracle, Red Tornado, Superman, Vixen, and Wonder Woman. Martian Manhunter is present telepathically.
Page 14, panel 5
When Granny Goodness and Kalibak (and their loyal paradaemon followers) crash the party, Booster stays out of the melee to defend the birthday cake.
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