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Buy Booster Gold

Injustice 2


Volume 1, Issue 21, Early May 2018
Released March 7, 2018

Cover Price: $2.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 10,373

Injustice 2, Vol. 1, #21. Image © DC Comics



Writer: Tom Taylor
Penciller: Daniel Sampere
Inker: Daniel Sampere
Colorist: Rex Lokus
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Assistant Editor: Liz Erickson
Editor: Jim Chadwick

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Cover Description: Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Black Adam fight. (No Booster Gold.)

Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)

Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit

Issue Notes: This book was first released online at in two installments (#41-42) for 99ยข each. This print edition has a cover price of $2.99.

Story Notes: Booster Gold appears only in the first half of this issue, digital chapter #41.

This story has been reprinted in:
Injustice 2 Volume 4 (2018)

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Image Copyright DC Comics

Page 4, panel 1
Booster Gold has taken over training Ted Kord's successor, Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes. Reyes complains that their training is low tech compared to what Ted Kord could provide. Obviously, Jaime has never seen Rocky IV.

Page 5, panel 1
Skeets arrives! It's worth noting that in the Injustice continuity, Skeets' retains its original football shape.

Page 5, panel 3
Although Booster Gold's real name (Michael Jon Carter) was public knowledge in the "New 52" DCnU, it was a secret from the general public in the post-Crisis continuity that Injustice is based on. In fact, "Booster Gold" was his legally recognized name so far as the American government was concerned.

Page 6, panel 1
Ted Kord's lawyer, Justin Baines, arrives with a hologram recording of his late client. To Booster's disbelief, Kord has left him ownership of Kord Industries. In addition . . .

Page 7, panel 3
. . . Ted has made arrangements to purchase the equipment that Booster stole in the 25th century, thus ensuring that Booster is their rightful possessor. That's a real friend.

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