The Adventures of Superman
“Under Fire”
Volume 1, Issue 497, December 1992
Released October 27, 1992
Cover Price: $1.25
Guide Price: $6.00 (as of 2017)

Writer: Jerry Ordway
Penciller: Tom Grummett
Inker: Doug Hazelwood
Colorist: Glenn Whitmore
Letterer: Albert DeGuzman
Assistant Editor: Jennifer Frank
Editor: Michael Carlin
Heroes: Bloodwynd I, Booster Gold, Fire, Guy Gardner, Ice, Superman
Setting: Griffin, DCU, USA, 20th-century
Cover Description: Superman headbutts Doomsday. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Doomsday and Superman continue their fight to the death.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit
Issue Notes: Superman diamond chronology "1992:47."
Reprint Notes: This issue has been collected in Superman: The Death of Superman.

Page 1, panel 4
Booster Gold is lying in the flaming ruins of a suburban Ohio residence, having been broken by Doomsday in Superman, vol. 2, #74.
Page 4, panel 2
Despite his wounds, Booster tellingly thinks only of the condition of the house's residents. More often than not, Booster's primary concern in dangerous situations is to take care of innocent bystanders. Casual acquaintances of Booster may consider this comment out-of-character, though it is no doubt genuine in its sentiment.
Page 7, panel 3
Booster Gold, Fire, and Guy Gardner are shown on gurneys being loaded into an ambulance. Superman stands, talking to the family whose house was destroyed. Ice kneels beside Gardner. Bloodwynd refuses medical treatment.
Boosterrific Review: This issue succeeds where so many other issue-long brawls fail: meaningful drama. It is made clear to the reader from the behavior of the characters and the pacing of the action that this scenario is more dangerous and life-threatening than battles typically found in the pages of Superman comic books. This is probably a side effect of the creative team firmly believing in the direction of the story arc more than anything else, and in any event it makes for a very tense and enjoyable comic book experience.
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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