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Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2 matching: matthew webb

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Year in Review 2015: Number 2

My occasional alternate history posts never generate any feedback, so I'm amazed that the second most visited post on the year was this one from August 25.

It was on this day in 1875 that Captain Matthew Webb became the first person recorded to successfully swim the English Channel unaided.

Webb's feat was a carefully crafted bit of public showmanship. That the crossing had never been done and was thought impossible fueled the public's interest. The accomplishment made Webb famous and rich.

Captain Webb's Great Swim Arrival at Calais, August 25, 1875

Hmm. Bold athletic achievements motivated by gambling? Instant and eternal fame? It sounds like this is just the sort of event that would inspire a certain time-traveling tourist we know.

I'm guessing Matt Webb has a big family who like to Google his name.

The top post of 2015 will be revealed Tomorrow.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

In It for the Money

It was on this day in 1875 that Captain Matthew Webb became the first person recorded to successfully swim the English Channel unaided.

Webb's feat was a carefully crafted bit of public showmanship. That the crossing had never been done and was thought impossible fueled the public's interest. The accomplishment made Webb famous and rich.

Captain Webb's Great Swim Arrival at Calais, August 25, 1875

Hmm. Bold athletic achievements motivated by gambling? Instant and eternal fame? It sounds like this is just the sort of event that would inspire a certain time-traveling tourist we know.

Comments (0) | Add a Comment | Tags: english channel matthew webb secret history

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