Smallville Season 11
“Haunted, Chapter 4”
Volume 1, Issue 12, June 2013
Released April 3, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
Guide Price: $3.99 (as of 2013)
Estimated Issue Sales: 15,930
Writer: Bryan Q. Miller
Penciller: Jorge Jimenez
Inker: Jorge Jimenez
Colorist: Carrie Strachan
Letterer: Saida Temofonte
Assistant Editor: Sarah Gaydos
Editor: Kristy Quinn
Cover Description: Impulse tries to stop a fight between Superman and the Black Flash. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Superman and Impulse conclude their fight against the Black Flash.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
None (Booster Gold does not appear in this story)
Costume Worn: Smallville Booster Gold
Issue Notes: Booster Gold does not appear in this issue. A box of cereal picturing Booster's face does.
Story Notes: This book was originally released online at in three installments (#38-40) for 99¢ each. This print edition has a cover price of $3.99 -- $1.02 more than the cost of the digital issues combined -- and for this extra expense this book contains 2 additional pages of original art and character sketches, a 2-page synopsis of Smallville season 6 (episodes 12-22), the DC Comics All Access page, and 11 pages of ads.
This story has been reprinted in:
Smallville Season 11 Volume 3: Haunted (2013)
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