Harley Quinn
“Harley Quinn Destroys DC Continuity”
Volume 3, Issue 50, November 2018
Released September 19, 2018
Cover Price: $4.99

Writer: Sam Humphries
Pencillers: Mirka Andolfo, Tom Grummett
Inkers: Mirka Andolfo, Tom Grummett
Assistant Editor: Andrea Shea
Editors: Alex Antone, Brian Cunningham
Cover Description: Harley Quinn reads her own comic book. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Harley Quinn is tasked with saving DC continuity after some well-intentioned fan fiction damages reality.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Page 28, panel 1
ALTERNATE REALITY: As Harley Quinn and Jonni DC struggle with trying to repair the rapidly collapsing DC Comics continuity, a Three Muskaeteers-inspired Justice League International of Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, and Guy Gardner (Green Lantern) fight Clayface in the background.
Page 32, panel 1
Booster Gold is just one of dozens of heroes from across the DC multiverse make their final stand against the existential crisis of collapsing continuity. Which continuity is this Booster from? Who knows! (His blue collar indicates it's a Booster we've never seen before.)
Identifiable heroes include Adam Strange, Golden Age Batman, Silver Age Batwoman, Captain Atom, Captain Carrot, Captain Comet, Demon, Firestorm, Golden Age Green Arrow, Green Lantern Alan Scott, Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Guardian, Silver Age Hawk and Dove, Golden Age Hawkwoman, Jade, Mary Marvel, Miss America, Mr. Bones, Negative Man, Nightshade, Dark Knight Returns Robin, Shade the Changing Man, "Reign of the Supermen" Superboy, Kingdom Come Superman, Starfire II, Thunderbolt (Peter Cannon), Ultra the Multi-Alien, Wildcat II, Golden Age Wonder Woman, and Zatara.
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