Booster Gold
“Reality Lost, Epilogue”
Volume 2, Issue 19, June 2009
Released April 8, 2009
Cover Price: $2.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 23,201

Writer: Dan Jurgens
Penciller: Dan Jurgens
Inker: Norm Rapmund
Colorist: Hi-Fi Designs
Letterer: Sal Cipriano
Assistant Editor: Harvey Richards
Editor: Michael Siglain
Cover Artists: Dan Jurgens, Norm Rapmund
Heroes: Booster Gold, Flash II, Flash III, Rip Hunter
Villain: Rex Hunter
Supporting: Skeets II
Settings: Giza, Egypt, 25th-century B.C.E.; Central City, DCU, USA, 20th-century; Vanishing Point, DCU, End of Time
Cover Description: Booster Gold, meet Booster Gold.
Brief Synopsis: Booster Gold must return to the present to save Rip Hunter.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: Annotations for this issue contain spoilers for the storyline involving future Booster Gold.
This story has been reprinted in:
Booster Gold: Reality Lost (2009)
Page 4, panel 1
Booster Gold and Skeets II discuss their recent adventures with Booster's future self (see last issue for details).
Page 6, panel 1
HIS STORY: Booster suggests that the pair of Booster Golds travel "fifty, sixty years--right before the wars" to visit their future self at the age of 85. In addition to slyly establishing that Booster is approximately 30 years old ("future" Booster is only a few weeks older), this is also an uncommon reminder that the far future from which Michael Jon Carter fled survived an apocalyptic third World War (as originally revealed way back in Booster Gold, Vol. 1, #14) during the 21st century.
Page 13, panel 1
The Egyptian accused Booster of being a devil. Fittingly, Booster will one day take the role of The Devil when he joins the Justice Arcana in the pages of Trinity.
Page 15, panel 3
After getting a glimpse of his future self in action, Booster Gold admits that he is positively impressed by his own future. (Answering the question: what does it take to impress Booster Gold? Booster Gold.)
Page 18, panel 2
Skeets meets (and re-energizes) his future self at the End of Time in Vanishing Point. This is the first time that two Skeets from different times have met one another.
Page 19, panel 1
A PAIR OF DOCS?: Booster is returned to Central City exactly one second after he left (as seen last issue and in Booster Gold, Vol. 2, #4).
Page 20, panel 2
Boosterrific Review: The word "epilogue" in the title of this story accurately prepares the reader for the story within. All but 3 pages of the issue deal with Booster Gold's heart-to-heart with himself and provide closure for the story arc of the previous 4 issues (or 6 of the previous 8, counting the prologue story in issues 12 and 13). Surprisingly, this issue is more satisfying than the actual conclusion to the story, probably because of the honest emotion expressed by the issue's main characters, siblings Booster Gold and Michelle Carter.
Boosterrific Rating: Boosterrific!
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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