In the 40 years since his 1985 debut, Booster Gold has made distinct appearances in at least 853 comic books. (See Notes below for clarification).
Use the following links to view a complete list of tracked appearances sorted into chronologial and non-chronologial categories.
Use the following drop down menu to find a particular issue.
New to Booster Gold comics? For a recommendation of which comics to start reading first, see the Boosterrific list of "The 12 Best Booster Gold Stories Ever."
Notes about the entries:
Lists of comics books with non-unique Booster Gold appearances, such as house advertisements, PSAs, and "DC Nation" columns, can be viewed on the Advertisements page.
All comics listed were published by DC Comics unless otherwise noted. Booster Gold and every hero and villain that he encounters are the intellectual property of DC Comics unless otherwise noted.
Where possible, issues are arranged by chronological appearance of Booster Gold by release date. Where release dates is unknown, issues are ordered by cover date. (Release date is traditionally 2-3 months in advance of cover date. For example, Booster's debut, cover-dated February 1986, actually released in October 1985.)
The focus of the commentary herein is to enlighten the reader about the history and peculiarities of the adventures of Booster Gold. Though an effort has been made to reduce SPOILER WARNING material whenever possible, be aware that these annotations do occasionally contain some information that should be considered revealing. Read at your own risk.
Characters listed in the annotations are characters who interact with Booster Gold within the given issue, not necessarily all of the characters appearing within the story. The only character who is mentioned even if not interacting with Booster is Skeets. First appearances of characters are noted as such.
Artists listed are the artists who were credited with producing a given issue. In cases where multiple artists worked on a given issue, only artists who contributed to pages of a story featuring Booster Gold are listed unless contribution is unclear. In those cases, every artist working on the issue will be listed. Cover Artists are listed only if Booster Gold appears in their artwork for the cover of an issue (variants included).
Some recurring themes in Booster Gold's appearances are given special attention in the annotations. These situations are noted by the following tags. (Click any tag to link to an index of issues containing that tag.)
- A PAIR OF DOCS?: The adventures of a time-traveling super hero wouldn't be complete without the trips through time to visit himself, whether he knows it or not.
- ALTERNATE REALITY: Occasionally Booster Gold finds himself in a reality which is not entirely his own.
- BOOSTERRIFIC! COUNT: Booster Gold's catch phrase, familiar to fans, has actually been uttered less often than one might suspect.
- BORROWING THE CAR: Sometimes, to enfore the laws of the space-time continuum, you have to break the laws of the space-time continuum. (Best not to think too hard about these.)
- BUSTER GOLD: The longest running gag in Booster Gold's appearances, friends and enemies alike enjoy ruffling Booster's feathers by calling him "Buster."
- DON'T MAKE 'EM LIKE THEY USED TO: Booster Gold has had more than a few power suits through the years, and some of them are worse than others.
- EXTRA, EXTRA: Booster Gold lives for the celebrity of appearing in the headlines of daily newspapers throughout the world. It is very common to see Booster's name headlining a front page in Metropolis' Daily Planet newspaper.
- FASHION ALERT: Changes in Booster Gold's costume, usually stemming from artist interpretation, also include changes in power-suit models.
- FIRST APPEARANCE: First appearance of a character, place, or thing in the DC Universe.
- HAIR CLUB FOR HEROES: Like many men, as Booster Gold ages, his hair thins. Like many men, Booster Gold is very sensitive about this.
- HIS STORY: Having been raised in the 25th century, Booster Gold's past is our future. Every so often, he makes us aware that he knows more than we do.
- LIQUIFIED TIME: Despite what you might have heard, following a continuity reboot, time is not on your side. Why is there never a time cop around when you need one?
- MEET THE PRESS: A shamelss self-promoter, Booster Gold always takes every opportunity to mug for the cameras or befriend reporters.
- PESL SIGHTING: Something looks familiar around here. Who or what is this PESL, anyway?
- POWER UP: Each of Booster Gold's power-suits have varied in power output and abilities. This tag denotes fluctuations in Booster Gold's apparent power levels.
- PRODUCT PLACEMENT: Booster Gold has endorsed quite a variety of products over the years.
- SCHOOL'S IN: Rip Hunter, the Time Master, keeps track of daily activities in the DC Universe wtih his chalkboard. But Rip Hunter's day is someone else's future.
- SILVER SCREEN: For a time, Booster Gold was very interested in seeing a movie adaptation of his life story. The movie very nearly took on a life of its own.
Logo Credits:
The logo for Booster Gold Volume 1 (seen above) was created circa 1985 by Todd Klein. Klein also created the logo for the “Gold Exchange” letter column.
The logo for Booster Gold Volume 2 (seen above) was created circa 2007 by Rob Leigh.
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
Booster Gold, Skeets, and all related titles, characters, images, slogans, logos are trademark ™ and copyright © DC Comics unless otherwise noted and are used without expressed permission. This site is a reference to published information and is intended as a tribute to the artists and storytellers employed by DC Comics, both past and present. (We love you, DC.) Contents of this page and all text herein not reserved as intellectual property of DC Comics is copyright © 2007-2025 BOOSTERRIFIC.com. This page, analysis, commentary, and accompanying statistical data is designed for the private use of individuals and may not be duplicated or reproduced for profit without consent.