It has been 136 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Booster Gold Appeared Before Superman
Every Friday for the past ten years, Brian Cronin has run a regular "Comic Book Legends Revealed" post that clarifies some common misconceptions about comic book history. This past Friday, Booster Gold got a turn. Specifically, Superman's appearance in Booster Gold #6.
COMIC LEGEND: The first comic book appearance of the Post-Crisis Superman was in the pages of Booster Gold!
STATUS: I'm Going With True
[I]n the pages of Booster Gold #6 (by Dan Jurgens and Mike DeCarlo), Booster met Superman for the first time. ... Superman doesn't recognize the Legion of Superheroes flight ring, because THAT's the Post-Crisis Superman!
They essentially confirm it in the letter pages of Booster Gold #10, when people wrote in asking why Superman didn't recognize the ring.
Cronin included many great pictures with his article, but not the letter in reference. So here it is:
Read Cronin's whole analysis and reasoning (with many, many pictures) at
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