"Get ready world... cuz the mighty Booster is here at last!"
—Booster Gold, Booster Gold #8, 1986
Since his debut in 1985 as DC Comic's first major character in its newly reorganized post-Crisis on Infinite Earths Universe, Booster Gold has appeared in over 1057 comic books, working alongside most of DC Comics' most storied characters, including Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.
What makes Booster Gold unique is his uncommon embrace of global celebrity and monetary reward for performing superheroic acts often associated with more altruistic heroes. Few would guess that beneath the veneer of self-importance is a hero with a real heart of gold, selflessly dedicated to preserving recorded history.
Metropolis University (incomplete)
Jon Carter (father),
Michelle Carter (twin sister),
Daniel Jon Carter (ancestor),
Rose Levin (ancestor),
Rip Hunter (son),
Rani (foster child),
Gladys (alleged ex-wife),
unidentified future wife
Blue Beetle II (business partner & best friend),
Firehawk I (former partner & love interest),
Godiva (former teammate & love interest),
Goldstar I (sidekick),
Goldstar II (sidekick),
Harley Quinn (love interest),
Rip Hunter (business partner),
Trixie Collins (business partner)
Time Masters,
Justice League America,
Conglomerate (team leader),
Super Buddies,
Justice League International (team leader),
Blue & Gold Restoration
Rip Hunter's Laboratory, AZ, USA,
Blue & Gold Restoration, New York, NY, USA
(formerly Gotham, Metropolis)
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
Booster Gold, Skeets, and all related titles, characters, images, slogans, logos are trademark ™ and copyright © DC Comics unless otherwise noted and are used without expressed permission. This site is a reference to published information and is intended as a tribute to the artists and storytellers employed by DC Comics, both past and present. (We love you, DC.) Contents of this page and all text herein not reserved as intellectual property of DC Comics is copyright © 2007-2025 BOOSTERRIFIC.com. This page, analysis, commentary, and accompanying statistical data is designed for the private use of individuals and may not be duplicated or reproduced for profit without consent.