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All-Star Western

“Where Do We Go From Here?”

Volume 3, Issue 21, August 2013
Released June 26, 2013

Cover Price: $3.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 15,788 Rating
  • Currently 3.0/5 Stars.

All-Star Western, Vol. 3, #21. Image © DC Comics



Writers: Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti
Penciller: Moritat
Inker: Moritat
Colorist: Mike Atiyeh
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Assistant Editor: Anthony Marques
Editors: Eddie Berganza, Mike Cotton

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Cover Description: Jonah Hex shoots at Batwing. (No Booster Gold.)

Brief Synopsis: Booster Gold teleports Jonah Hex into the 21st century, where Hex promptly runs afoul of Batwing.

Issue Summary: Reveal Potential Spoilers

Booster Gold's role in this story:
Supporting (Booster Gold plays a lesser role)

Costume Worn: MARK XIII power-suit

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Image Copyright DC Comics

Page 1, panel 1
This issue pics up where the previous issue left off, with Booster Gold, Cyclops, and Jonah Hex fleeing from Romeo and Damita and their gang. Note that the word "go" in the story title uses the letters from the logo for Booster Gold volume 2.

Page 2, panel 1
In all of Booster Gold's time travelling, he has never before driven a horse-drawn wagon? That may seem a little hard to believe, but what need would a guy with a Legion Flight Ring have for a team of horses?

Page 4, panel 6
Booster's poor driving skills result in the death of two horses. These are the second and third animals whose deaths have been indirectly caused by Booster Gold. (For the first, see Booster Gold #31.) It's only a matter of time before the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals begin boycotting Booster's public appearances.

Page 8, panel 1
FASHION ALERT: Somehow, Booster Gold has been once again drawn through time, this time with Jonah Hex. Alternate versions of Booster and Hex can be seen in the time and space vortex, including Booster's classic costume and a Booster/Hex amalgam.

Page 8, panel 4
Hex and Booster become separated, and Hex vows revenge on Booster "fer this." This is Booster's last appearance in this issue.

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Boosterrific Review: This issue is just one small part of several much larger story. What's going on with Booster Gold? Who knows. What's going on with Jonah Hex? Who knows. This issue confirms that the seemingly pointless crimes and death of the Clem Hootkins gang in recent issues is par for the course for this seemingly directionless title title. Who knows where this story is headed or why anyone should care, but at least Moritat's art is pretty enough to make readers not mind the ride so much.

Boosterrific Rating:

  • Currently 3.0/5 Stars.
Gold Standard.

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